A downloadable Blueprint Plugin

This Starter Kit is designed as a plugin, importable into any project. The system itself is made with components, attachable to an actor, most likely the player character, that will spawn the system into the game.

The Starter Kit is designed to serve as a base for a range of Skill Tree Systems to be made from it, with functionality no matter the appearance of the interface, allowing the widgets to be customisable as desired. The system takes a modular skill approach, allowing the base skill to be placed into the skill tree and all relevant values can be changed to make each skill unique. The order in which skills are unlocked can be set, what the skills will do once unlocked, as well as other aspects of customisation that aim to be helpful and flexible.

The default system contains an empty Skill Tree Body, allowing skills to be adding in, with a guide in the documentation provided for this.

There are also additional toggleable components that can help in building a Skill Tree System:

  • Levelling_Component, created in the Skill_Tree_Component, this adds a simple levelling system to provide skill points over time.
  • Skill_Inventory_Component, created in the Skill_Tree_Component, part of the system to add a skill inventory to the skill tree widget, showing all skills currently acquired.

Documentation is included, with a link to a form in which any feedback would be welcome and would assist in improving the product provided. Any questions please leave and these will addressed as soon as possible. Thank you.

Documentation link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mEDkEqHQj5cC1Zr-BAh8jcDITXUWBviKSJ5ZVb0wgv4/...


SkillTreeStarterKit.zip 243 kB

Install instructions

Standard procedure for installing plugins for Unreal Engine 5

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